Commonly Used Forms and Documents:
- Treasury Request Form
- Treasury Deposit Form
- Flag ceremony opening and closing Color Guard instructions
- 2016 Parent Welcome and Consent Form
- 2016/17 Registration Form
- 2016 Sept Recruiting Flyer: MS-Word / PDF
- Other Misc. Leader Forms and Documents – there are hundreds of old documents, and they are not well organized. Google Drive users can use the search feature to explore what’s there.
How to Add the Folsom Pack 94 Calendar to your Phone/Tablet/PC Calendar
Please use the following address to add Pack 94 calendar items to your Calendar. You can copy and paste this into any calendar product that supports the iCal format.
If you use Google calendar, follow these steps to add the Pack94 calendar to your list of calendars:
- Open Google Calendar.
- On the left side, find “Add a friend’s calendar” and click the plus sign:
- On the left side, find “Add a friend’s calendar” and click the plus sign:
- Select “From URL”. Copy/paste the following:
- Click Add calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under “Other calendars.”
Please send mail to the Pack 94 Webmaster, with ideas for other forms and information that would be helpful for leaders.