Get Involved!
Pack 94 welcomes and needs parent input, commitment, and support. Without the support of parents, the Pack could not provide a quality program. Since our Pack is run entirely by parent volunteers, each parent is expected to volunteer a minimum of 2 hours of their time and energy per year for pack activities. We can always improve our activities, so please do not hesitate to come to any Pack Leaders meeting and give your input. You can also email your Den Leader, or speak with any of our Pack leaders. Our ultimate goal is to present the best Scouting experience to all our scouts. Parents can help serve the pack in many direct ways:- Support your child enthusiastically all the way through their Scouting career. The Cub Scout Handbook explains the requirements for each rank. Help them achieve in every way that you can.
- Be a Den Leader. As a den of new Cub Scouts is formed, there must also be a minimum of two parents willing to serve as Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader. New leaders are trained and will have all of our resources available to them. Our Den Leader Coordinator, Cubmaster and Committee Chairperson are at your disposal as well as all current leaders.
- Serve on the Pack Committee. Members meet monthly to plan future events, create policies for the Pack, review the program, and address any issues that arise. These positions are listed on the Pack Roster.
- Be an Activity Chairperson. Each activity has two chairpersons who head a parent sub-committee for that particular event. Activity chairs are given a list of parents who have already volunteered to help with the event. They will coordinate the effort and report their progress to the Pack Committee.
- Serve on an activity sub-committee. Parents will collectively organize a one-time event. Time required will vary depending on the type of event. This is a minimal commitment that even the busiest of families can accomplish.
- Be a Coordinator. Parents are responsible for managing several ongoing activities for the Pack. Some examples include, selling pack t-shirts, publishing the newsletter, managing the recycling, ordering awards and many other activities.